Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Mentoring, Developing Self-awareness & Wisdom

     "Mentoring is very much an education buzz word, but it is not a modern day invention. Greek mythology tells the story of Mentor, an alias of Athena the goddess of wisdom, who was charged by Ulysses to raise his son Telemachus. In doing this, Mentor gave his name to the traditional relationship of an older, wiser master taking a younger 
protege ́under their wing.
      ... mentoring (is) a ‘relationship between equals’ formed as part of a developmental alliance which allows one or both parties to develop through increased self-awareness. The phrase developmental alliance alludes to a long-term relationship rather than one focused on short-term problem solving.
     The take home message of mentoring is that it is an off-line relationship where one person helps another making a significant transition in their careers."

       Williams ZM, Grant A. How to ... Be a good mentor. Educ Prim Care 2012; 23(1): 56-8.

Friend by Kristiina Lehtonen

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