Tuesday 25 February 2014

Our Open Heart-Mind Works Best

     Just for fun, try this experiment: start monitoring how you feel as often as you can. Suppose your state of being is on a continuum between: 
          1) being relaxed, at home, in control, open-hearted, loving, generous, profoundly at peace,
          2) being afraid, out of your element, out of control, closed-hearted, angry, greedy, disturbed.

     After a bit of practice, or perhaps you can already do this, you'll physically feel where you are on this continuum between 1 and 2:
          1) being essentially in the open wise, evolved elder, saint or mystic mode, making full use of your prefrontal cortex or heart-mind;
          2) being in the closed fearful-child-lost-in-the-woods mode (brain stem reactivity).

     With some practice you might begin to notice that the farther we are towards the fearful-child pole, the more we & those around us suffer, because our judgment is severely impaired, and therefore our performance & behavior deteriorates. But as we learn to become aware, as early as possible, that we're starting to slide down towards this extreme, we learn not to go with this downward momentum, and recover "our better judgment".
     Positive biofeedback is more powerful for most of us. Noticing how when our mind and heart areas feel relaxed, open & warm, everything goes well, people respond so positively is a real eye-opener.
     Can we ourselves learn to directly control our state of being - where we are on this continuum, REGARDLESS OF EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCES, thereby improving our quality of life AND that of all those around us? Can we? "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right!" Henry Ford

     Meditation practice is a powerful way of intentionally opening up to, processing & transcending difficult aspects of our lives. See: http://www.johnlovas.com/2014/02/meditation-is-powerful.html

"Les" Laszlo Lovas   1915-2001

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