Sunday, 1 September 2013

Politicians & Health-care Professionals - What Really Impacts Society?

     Politicians & health-care professionals, mining companies & environmentalists, agribusiness & organic food advocates, and a growing list of seemingly opposing forces all uniformly claim to serve society's best interests. After the hot air evaporates, only the actual behavior matters - how much it decreases (or increases) humanity's suffering.
     Regardless of group affiliations, it is the level of each individual's consciousness that determines the quality of behavior. Situations that highlight this point abound: individuals in peace movements being violent; individuals in right-to-life movements murdering doctors who perform abortions; and the ongoing obscenity of individuals massacring in the name of their religion. Such behavior is the antithesis, not only of the groups to which these people claim allegiance, but also of modern civilized society.
     These individuals are at a very early level of psychosocial (character or personality) development. Their behavior is literally primitive
     Each of us is hard-wired for, and fully capable of, a stunning range of behavior - from rabid animal to fully-enlightened saint. This is because we all think primarily at one of two basic levels: a fear-based brain-stem fight-flight-freeze level much like an alligator; or a wisdom-based prefrontal cortex mature judgment level much like a wise composed modern human being.
     We rapidly devolve when circumstances cause us to prioritize "me, myself & I" or "my tribe, cult, gang, religion etc" - values, self-respect, laws, long-term plans, other people & the environment be damned.
     We're also capable of rising (evolving) to the level of civilized homo sapiens sapiens, prioritizing the welfare of other human beings, animals, the environment - transcending the default egocentric mode, and behaving in an allocentric / ecocentric manner. 
     MOST IMPORTANTLY, we have direct individual responsibility for both our immediate behavior and the trajectory our evolution of consciousness over our lifetime.

     See also:
Carl Cameron's "Prosperous Day" music video:

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