Monday, 30 September 2013

Caring for Unique Individual Human Beings

     "I’m learning that it’s the WAY you communicate and present things that counts, and how to deal with different cultures and personalities. You can have all the right information but if you’re not being listened to, or people don’t understand what you’re saying, or think you care, it makes no difference. So, can I be honest here? In medicine, there is no accounting for differences in people, or how they might feel about something. There is no focusing on the individual. We need to learn more about this." medical student

       Walcher ME. A look in the mirror: Self-development and transformational learning in medical students. Dissertation Abstracts International Section A: Humanities and Social Sciences 2013; 73: 8-A.  
Shad Bay area, Nova Scotia, early morning, September 28, 2013

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