Thursday, 18 April 2013

Wisely Motivating Behavior Modification - Nurturing Full Potential vs Bullying

     We clearly feel when we are being judged negatively, especially when bullied by someone with power / authority over some aspect of our lives. This tends to have a strong negative effect on our self-esteem and performance - we tend to under-perform, down to their, and now our, low expectations. A study many years ago divided young children into 2 groups, closely matched for intelligence: one group was told they had above, the other group below normal intelligence. Both groups were taught identical curricula for a year. The "smart group" significantly outperformed the "below normal" group.
     It's critically important that we learn to intentionally create a freeing atmosphere: being completely nonjudgmental & open-minded about everyone's - our own & others' - capacity to go completely beyond - our own & others' - current ideas of what is possible. A person's potential is NOT carved in stone, it is unknowable.
     Health-care professionals / educators need to & can learn to find within themselves the emotional intelligence, the stillness, the inner wise grandparent that can nurture & bring to fruition the full potential of their patients, students, and yes, themselves!
     The potential in all of us, IF WISELY NURTURED, is completely beyond anyone's current concepts.

     See also:


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