Thursday, 21 February 2013

Collaborative Team Players & Psychosocial Developmental Stage

     Having good team players, and a family-like atmosphere in the workplace, are popular ideals floated by employers these days. Some employees already fit this mold, some aspire to do so, while some are (overtly or covertly) antagonistic.
     It's easy to dismiss those who don't collaborate for the common good as selfish, immoral and antisocial. However, these very same people may be quite ethical and generous in other ways, in other environments. In other words, many of us live divided lives - quite appropriate at times, highly inappropriate at other times.
     What's the difference between team vs solo efforts? 1) willingness or capacity to freely & productively communicate vs no need for communication; 2) sharing recognition more or less equally vs having all of the recognition for oneself. People at the relatively early, egocentric level of psychosocial development are solo players, not intentionally, but because that's simply where they are developmentally. Many of us in health-care fit this category. A fragile ego is a powerful, albeit unhealthy, motivator - ask any workaholic overachiever.
     Any organization or profession that claims to value good team players and a family-like atmosphere needs to create the cultural climate that actively promotes normal psychosocial development.

     See also:

Photo: alcetelu

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