Spirituality can be conceptualized in terms of "relationships with Self, Others, Nature, and Higher Being. Love, harmony, and integrative wholeness are cornerstones of these relationships. Communication and commitment are avenues to spirituality.
Relationship with Self involves personhood and inner dimension, which include awareness of inner self or other dimensions ... the ability to draw on inner strength and resources ... ambition for better self-understanding and inner balance ... includes awareness of the tragic and self-redefinition, and release from self-defined limitations. ... authenticity and openness are cornerstones of this relationship.
Relationship with Others involves a sense of community, compassion, altruism, and giving the gift of self. ... manifested in sharing with and helping others.
Relationship with Nature involves the interaction between person and environment. ... spirituality as awareness of human-environmental integrality.
Relationship with Higher Being includes relationship with Universe, God, Higher Power, and/or Ultimate values.
Spirituality can involve a well-defined worldview or belief system that provides a sense of meaning and purpose to existence in general, and that offers an ethical path to personal fulfillment. Instead of focusing on a belief structure, others defined spirituality as the way in which people live their lives in view of their ultimate meaning value. ... spirituality has to do with the search for one’s ultimate significance."
Chiu L et al. An Integrative Review of the Concept of Spirituality in the Health Sciences. Western Journal of Nursing Research 2004; 26(4): 405-428.
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