Sunday 19 August 2012

Promoting Mindfulness in Health-care

     Evidence has repeatedly shown that normal psychosocial development / maturation tends to be at least temporarily arrested during dental and medical training. Cynicism tends to replace idealism, and "clever nihilism" festers.
         Cohen MJ et al.  Identity transformation in medical students. Am J Psychoanal 2009; 69(1): 43-52.
         Meserve C et al. Clever nihilism: Cynicism in evidence based medicine learners. Medical Education Online 2005; 10: 1-9.

     "To transform a transition from a threat to a learning opportunity, medical education should assist students and doctors in developing the coping skills they need to effectively deal with the challenges presented by new environments.”
       Teunissen PW, Westerman M. Opportunity or threat: the ambiguity of the consequences of transitions in medical education. Med Educ 2011; 45(1): 51-9.

     Mindfulness practice promotes normal psychosocial maturation - towards greater empathic connection with others & environment (counteracting the above-mentioned disruption). Mindfulness is increasingly being taught at the post-secondary level, in medicine, dentistry, dental hygiene, nursing, chiropractic, veterinary medicine, design / architecture, music, business, law, liberal arts, etc.
         Lovas JG, Lovas DA, Lovas PM. Mindfulness and professionalism in dentistry. J Dent Educ 2008; 72(9): 998-1009.

Photo: CollBaxter

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