Tuesday 7 February 2012

Who me?

Does the following describe you?

• Type-A driven perfectionist?
Know how to be seen to know enough?
Sense of acceptance derived from external praise for ability & performance (don’t feel inherent self-worth)?
Perfectionist, compulsive, need to be in complete control, emotionally fragile?

After a bit of self-reflection, it's right on the money for me!

Most of us hardly think of ourselves - we're so busy. But isn't at least some of the lack of balance in our lives due to compulsively chasing after, and running from stuff?

As a group, we’re dangerously prone to avoid and delay seeking help for our own problems due to denial & fear of ridicule from colleagues.

Fredrickson RE. Nova Scotia Dentist. Aug/Sept 2005.

The personality type described above is common to physicians and dentists, but likely common to most of us in the caring professions. Bob Fredrickson MD, the author of the above paper, was in charge of Nova Scotia's Professional Support Program, which helps physicians, dentists and veterinarians who require confidential personal assistance.

Canadian Provincial Physician Health Programs:

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