Thursday 23 January 2014

Spirituality, Faith & Transcendent Meaning

     "spirituality (is defined) as that which allows a person to experience transcendent meaning in life. Spirituality is a construct that involves concepts of 'Faith' and/or 'Meaning' ...
     Faith is a belief in a higher transcendent power, not necessarily identified as God, and not necessarily through participation in the rituals or beliefs of a specific organized religion; faith in a transcendent power may identify this power as being external to the human psyche or internalized; it is the relationship and connectedness to this power, or spirit, that is an essential component of the spiritual experience and is related to the concept of meaning
     Meaning, or having a sense that one’s life has meaning, involves the conviction that one is fulfilling a unique role and purpose in a life that is a gift; a life that comes with a responsibility to live up to one’s full potential as a human being and, in so doing, being able to achieve a sense of peace, contentment, or even transcendence through connectedness with something greater than one’s self ..."
        Breitbart W. Spirituality and meaning in supportive care: spirituality- and meaning-centered group psychotherapy interventions in advanced cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer 2001 DOI 10.1007/s005200100289 

     "Transcendence (religion), the concept of being entirely beyond the universe; Transcendence (philosophy), climbing or going beyond some philosophical concept or limit. In religious experience transcendence is a state of being that has overcome the limitations of physical existence and by some definitions has also become independent of it."

Tamas Dezso photography

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