Sunday 19 January 2014

Fool's Gold & Other Shiny Things vs Depth & Substance

     "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people".     Karl Marx

      The human propensity to try a quick easy fix for the most complex of all matters - the meaning of life - is astounding. Gobbling down a chocolate bar when one's hungry, gives a sugar-high, quickly followed by a crash, and so it goes for all of our impatient attempts to feel good fast, without addressing the fundamental issues appropriately.
     Some of today's promoters of meditation gain popularity by promising quick routes to bliss, happiness, wealth, success etc - ie an alternative route to "the American dream".
     Sitting meditation - taught by a competent teacher - is a solid, intelligent, well-traveled path to profound wholeness, depth & meaning. It's a lifetime journey of discovery & deepening, learning to embrace all of life: the horror, the mundane & the awe-inspiring beauty - the "full catastrophe." It's NOT a quick fix, and "bliss" is an occasional tap on the head ("spiritual consolation"), NOT the goal. Choose your teacher well.

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