Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Therapeutic Presence, Self-knowledge, Self-acceptance

To optimize our therapeutic presence, we need to "work through unfinished business or issues that keep us stuck. We cannot expect our clients to develop any further than we have in our growth process. The idea that we can help our clients to resolve their issues and lead a healthier life simply by using proper techniques is misleading. … techniques will have minimal impact if they are facilitated by someone who is detached or absent. To develop and sustain this quality of presence, therapists must commit to working through their own issues so that those issues will not interfere in the therapy process and so that therapists will be clear and open vessels who are accessible and attuned to the client, without personal interference.
     Presence opens up the potential for happiness and joy now. If we are ruminating or expending mental and emotional energy on past hurt or future longings, we miss the preciousness of this moment. This level of present-centered attention demands constant attention to care for and to bring ourselves back to this moment, where the treasures of contentment, experiencing, openness, and inner peace are possible.”
       Geller SM, Greenberg LS. Therapeutic presence. A mindful approach to effective therapy. APA, Washington, DC, 2012.

     See also: http://mindfulnessforeveryone.blogspot.ca/2013/03/293-presence-therapy-healing.html

Photo: Figsbury   www.dpreview.com

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