Saturday, 2 March 2013

Spirituality in Health Care - the Power, Force, Energy domains

     "Spirituality has been defined as including creative energy, motivation, guidance, and a striving for inspiration. Spirituality is the unifying foundation of personhood, and as a coalescing force has been seen as an energy allowing integration (and healing); a life-giving force giving a sense of wellness, a dynamic and integrative growth process, a unifying force, and the driving force behind religious practice.
      Spirituality is an integrating energy in the ongoing process of self-discovery for recovering alcoholics in comparing recovery to a journey. ... in a study of patients recovering from acute myocardial infarction, spirituality was the life-giving force providing a sense of wellness to those facing physical illness.
      an attribute of spirituality is a dynamic and integrative growth process leading to achievement of purpose and meaning in life. ... a unifying force that integrates and transcends all other domains. ... Other concepts related to power, energy, or force included the relation to creativity, the aspect of life that motivates and guides one’s significant choices, and the striving for inspiration."
     Chiu L et al. An Integrative Review of the Concept of Spirituality in the Health Sciences. Western Journal of Nursing Research 2004; 26(4): 405-428.

Ellen Gibling at the Halifax Seaport Market, Feb 23, 2013

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