Wednesday 10 October 2012

Wisdom - current concept encapsulated

     "Wisdom involves certain forms of pragmatic reasoning and behavior that help people navigate important life challenges. Although a variety of factors give rise to this quality, an emerging consensus suggests that three important dimensions of wisdom involve recognizing that the world is in flux and the future is likely to change, recognizing that there are limits associated with one’s own knowledge, and possessing a prosocial orientation that promotes the 'common good.'
     A common feature of these different dimensions of wisdom is that they require people to transcend their egocentric viewpoints to take the 'big picture' into account and reason holistically."
       Kross E, Grossmann I. Boosting wisdom: Distance from the self enhances wise reasoning, attitudes, and behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 2012; 141(1): 43-48.

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