Tuesday 30 October 2012

Healing - so much more than Scientific Knowledge

     How does a parent's kiss make a child's injury all better? The secret seems to be in the reassurance that though injuries happen, it's OK my child, you're not alone in some cruel random universe, but are in fact loved and held in a love that transcends this bump in the journey. Healing is one vulnerable human holding another - two open hearts in synch with a greater rhythm.
     Without an open heart, there is no healer present, and no healing occurs. Opening one's heart requires acknowledgment of one's own vulnerability - and - discovering the underlying power and wisdom that music, dance and other fine arts whisper.

     See also: http://www.johnlovas.com/2012/10/dropping-armor-coming-out-as-authentic.html
     and  http://healthyhealers.blogspot.ca/search?q=depth+of+our+feelings

Montreal, Province de Quebec

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