Monday 14 April 2014

Why Can't We "Get Through" to Some People?

     It doesn't matter how many times, or how many different ways you advise some people to modify their opinions & behavior, they insist on thinking & behaving as before, even though their behavior is disruptively offensive to the people around them. They're not ready to hear / see / feel reality.
     Learning is typically slow (& behavior change much slower), mostly through trial & error. Most of us are simply incapable of learning from other people's mistakes, we have to make them ourselves, suffer the consequences, sometimes for an entire lifetime. 
     We're far, far, far less wise than we think. We don't trust even our family & closest friends - we're the only ones who know! Then, only after we hit rock bottom, do we realize they were trying to help us, & we were stunningly stupid. Until then, hubris keeps us insisting that, contrary to all evidence & logic, WE ARE RIGHT, everyone else is wrong. So we "save face" - but only in our imagination.
     Yes, we've all been there, more than once! We're ALL slowly learning to walk upright - without dragging our hairy knuckles!!



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