Thursday 31 October 2013

Awareness, Acceptance & the Broader Aspects of "Emotional Availability"

     "Based on attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby beginning in the 1950s, as well as emotional perspectives of Emde and Mahler, Pine & Bergman, Emotional Availability (EA) is a research-based, scientifically driven way of understanding the quality of communication & connection between a parent (or caregiver) and child."

     To effectively engage with anyone or anything - person, animal, object, or process - we must be emotionally available - we must be there fully, our whole package: mind-heart-body. Such complete engagement is not just the most effective, it also ensures the best quality of life for the one so engaged.
     What blocks this quality of engagement with life? Fear & it's associates: anxiety - catastrophization, depression - rumination, anger, greed, etc
     What can we do about these hindrances? Recognize their characteristic accompanying physical feel; accept them fully at the physical level; let go of words, stories, intellectual analysis; bring attention back to whatever you are working on with mindful presence - an open-hearted attitude - full mental-emotional-physical availability. If attention drifts off 1,000 times, bring it back 1,001 times - perseverance will always triumph.

The Waiting Room

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