Monday, 26 August 2013

Psychological Health & Maturity - Increasingly Integrated Adaptation to & Engagement with Reality

     "Allport described the characteristics of psychological maturity as an adaptive set of seven functions
     a) self-extension: authentic & enduring involvement in significant life activities, such as work, family life, or community service; 
     b) dependable ways of relating warmly to others, such as tolerance, empathy, trust, and genuineness; 
     c) self-acceptance or emotional security: the ability to regulate & live with one’s emotional states; 
     d) realistic perception & appraisal: seeing the world as it is in contrast to being defensive or distorting reality to conform to one’s wishes; 
     e) problem-centeredness: resourceful problem solving; 
     f) self-objectification: self-awareness allowing a person to know oneself with insight and humor; and 
     g) a unifying philosophy of life, allowing comprehension and integration of one’s goals and values. 
     According to Allport, a healthy person is constantly striving toward unification of personality by integration of all aspects of his/her life."
       Cloninger CR. Healthy personality development and well-being. World Psychiatry 2012; 11(2): 103-4.
Homes in North End Halifax Nova Scotia

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