Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Transformational Learning, Like Aging, is NOT for the Faint of Heart

     Growing pains, out with the old - in with the new, shedding old skin, re-inventing oneself - one continuously transforms into a completely new person. At sub-atomic, atomic, molecular and even cellular levels, our bodies constantly change, shedding dead cells by the billions, producing equal numbers of new ones to replace those lost, loosing old intercellular connections and forming new ones in the process of learning (neuroplasticity). Constantly learning how to deal effectively with the emerging environment -  moment-by-moment evolution.
     Without even being consciously aware of it, we're undergoing constant, continuous change. Our body automatically adapts to the continuously changing environment. Our mind can also do this - unless fear of discomfort & liminality stops us - because inertia is more comfortable than growth & adaptation. But to survive & thrive, we need to intentionally, intelligently, creatively, embrace change.

     "The emotions of anxiety and depression accompany the very difficult process of dis-integration, re-constitution, and re-integration that is transformational learning."

       Green L. "Transformative learning: A passage through the liminal zone. in: Psychoanalysis and education: Minding a gap." Karnac Books, London, England, 2012. pp199-216.

     See: http://healthyhealers.blogspot.ca/2012/03/to-burnout-or-engage.html
Erez Marom   www.dpreview.com

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