Saturday, 25 May 2013

Enthusiasm, Energy, Zest for Life - What does all that Mean?

     We think of having enthusiasm, vitality, "a real zest for life" as equivalent to being perfectly well-adjusted, healthy and happy. But the sobering fact is that more often than not, we feel less than enthusiastic about things as they are. Why? Is this depression - something wrong with me?
     As we mature, we naturally transition through very different priorities - what made us happy (or sad) when we were 5, may have the opposite effect of us now, and vice versa. So our requirements for meaningful fulfillment continuously change, becoming deeper, more nuanced & expansive - a gradual shift from egocentricity ("me, myself and I") towards allocentricity & ecocentricity (the biggest picture we're able to engage). This is normal, healthy maturation - don't try to medicate it away - celebrate it, investigate it!

     See also:

Massimo Ripani

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